Friday, February 12, 2010

How much more?

So I that I'm pretty well snowed out. It was nice having the time off but I think i could have gone for a two hour delay this morning. I was staying up later and sleeping in and I couldn't get out of bed this morning! I was watching the news though and they said that this weekend and this coming week will be cold but no snow, and next weekend will be more snow. We had to make a clearing for the dog because he was completely buried in the snow, haha.
RV and Ridgewood have to make up days already and we only have one left... I think we need to use it but I don't want to have to make up any of them.
I'm ready for spring to come now. I hate having to do everything inside.. It's nice having KA to go and do different things in but after being there awhile it gets boring too. Plus with all the snow hardly anyone can go anywhere so your stuck at home. So one more snow day and I think we should be done with the snow.


  1. I could not get out of bed either this morning it was horrible! We had to make a path for our dogs too! They couldnt even walk in it because it was to deep. River View and Ridgewood are gonna be in school until July if they keep using so many snow days!

  2. I agree with the delay. Waking up at 6 this morning was a total shock compared to waking up at noon the past 3 days.
