Friday, February 26, 2010

Killer Whale

Recently, a whale in Sea World killed it's trainer. Dawn Brancheau was the whales trainer more than any other trainer in their Orlando park. The whale, Tilikum, weighs 12,000 pounds but this wasn't the first incident the whale has done. Apparently the whale has killed two other people, a trainer in 1991 in a Canadian Park and also a man who stayed after hours and took a "swim" with the whale and was found dead in the tank also in Sea World. The people who were around to see the show Dawn had put on with the whale said it wasn't "behaving". Not long after the show, Tilikum pulled Dawn in and was thrashing her around until she drowned. I would like to know why they have kept this whale around if they know that it has killed two other people? Animals aren't like people and you can't know what their thinking.

Check out this website for the latest news about this incident.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Makeup Days

Last week we went two days and this week we went two days and now more snow is coming? They said more than before I guess. We have to make up a day already and I think that their just taking it off of our spring break. I don't think we've ever had a full spring break. River View has how many days to make up like 10? We were supposed to have a late arrival today and we didn't but I don't understand why. We don't get it counted against us so why couldn't we? A few extra hours of sleep would've been nice. Tonight I'm going to try to go to the game, and Saturday I'm going to Zanesville. On Sunday I got volunteered to baby sit. So full weekend I guess. Maybe we'll have a snow day Monday with all of this snow coming.

Friday, February 12, 2010

How much more?

So I that I'm pretty well snowed out. It was nice having the time off but I think i could have gone for a two hour delay this morning. I was staying up later and sleeping in and I couldn't get out of bed this morning! I was watching the news though and they said that this weekend and this coming week will be cold but no snow, and next weekend will be more snow. We had to make a clearing for the dog because he was completely buried in the snow, haha.
RV and Ridgewood have to make up days already and we only have one left... I think we need to use it but I don't want to have to make up any of them.
I'm ready for spring to come now. I hate having to do everything inside.. It's nice having KA to go and do different things in but after being there awhile it gets boring too. Plus with all the snow hardly anyone can go anywhere so your stuck at home. So one more snow day and I think we should be done with the snow.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Birthday

My birthday, February fourth, was great! We went out to eat at Crowtown, and then went home and I opened gifts. I hadn't been to Crowtown's buffet yet and overall it was really nice. They did a lot of work to the building with painting and everything and made it look clean. The service was really good too. Every time food came out it seemed like you had to run to get it before it was gone. They were packed in there, but I can understand why. It's definitely one of my favorite places to eat now! When we got home I opened gifts from my grandparents, mom and dad. I got earrings, an ankle bracelet, a necklace and money of course! Saturday is when some of the family is coming up to combine most of our February birthday's together. So it should be a fun weekend if we don't get the snow. On the other hand I think we need another snow day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Grammy's

On January 31st the Grammy's were held in Los Angeles. The stars blew the crowd away, from their fashion to their performances. Many awards were given out to different categories as always. The thing that really got me was that Taylor Swift walked away with 4 Grammy's including Album of the Year. Lady Gaga was wearing "silver skyscrapers" that everyone was sure to talk about. Ke$ha on the other hand disappointed many fans with her short golden dress, that many said "not her best look". There was also a 3D performance of the "Earth Song" that was amazing! The bad part of it was, we couldn't see it in 3D only the stars could. Probably the most depressing part of the night was when Michael Jackson's oldest children, Prince and Paris, came to receive their fathers award for Lifetime Achievement. Another amazing achievement is Beyonce winning more than any female has won in a single night, coming home with SIX! Over all I think the Grammy's went over really well. This has been the first year I've been as into it as I was. It was great and I can only imagine what the experience was like seeing it live.