Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Time!

Well schools almost over! I can't believe that were almost done, it's went by so fast! This summer should be really busy though. I get to play soccer again which I'm really excited about! We've started open feild and next week were going to start lifting I guess. That should be interesting. We don't start mandatory until August though, but it's nice to already be in shape by that time. This year were not going to do two-a-days, were just going to do one long practice in the evening. So we get to sleep in! The week of July fourth my family and I are going to the beach so that should be fun. Then when we get back we'll have a tournament for soccer. Coach says that were a young team so it's gonna take a lot of effort but we'll get better. We lost six seniors which really hurt us. This year will be a big eye-opener for all of us. Although we have two people who can play goalie now so that's nice so they can have a chance on the Field too. We also have a few new freshman and a few other new players that are in other grade levels. I've heard were going to have other people joining but we haven't got any yet. Coach Underwood has stopped by a few times to see us and Eric comes to some practices too. Coach Hamilton will be an assistant coach along with Kayla. Were having a lot of fun so far but it'll be better once track is over and other players can come. It's boring when there's only 5 or 6 of you playing.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well we have like 20 days left of school now! That seems so impossible for this to actually be true. And to think the seniors will be gone in even less. This year has flown by so fast! Really we have less than that though because Freshman have a fun day and all of that, this Friday is shortened with the Talent show and plus all the other things that pop up. Summer is coming up fast, and I'm really excited for it! After all the snow we had this year I think we need a nice summer!
So has anyone heard about people being in the talent show? I know before there were always quite a few senior acts but I haven't hear much talk this year about it. I remember my 7th grade year when Layton talked about his tanning bed experience and everyone talked about it forever and it just seemed like everyone had fun with it. Then there is normally an act or two of a group of boys that try to sing, but should probably stick to football. haha. I'm hoping there are some good acts because there are people with talent but just too nervous to get up and do it, plus more acts = less class.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fifth Grader Going For a Walk..

I've been seeing on the news lately how a fifth grader in Florida was riding her bike home from school and decided to take a walk into the woods. The girl had a case similar to autism. After her parents, family and friends, and many police and rescuers looked for four straight days, Nadia was found. Nadia was in a alligator infested swamp for four days. The guy that had found her was a church friend of her family. When he went down to find her, she was sitting in a dry patch of the swamp. King says that Nadia was very calm and matter of fact saying " I can't believe you guys rescued me!" after two hours of carrying Nadia out of the thick woods, they took Nadia straight to the hospital where she was treated for bug bites and dehydration. Other than that she was perfectly fine. many people are saying what a miracle this incident is. Nadia says that all she wanted to do was go into the woods to look at the nature and take some pictures. I think it's nice to hear that we found her, a lot of times we don't and that's the sad part of it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Third Nine Weeks

Well it's the end of the third nine weeks already! I can't believe it's almost over. There are always those days you don't want to get out of bed but to think that we've already done more than half of the school year! It's almost time for summer and I'm ready for it! I think that this year has been been an overall good school year. High school is much more interesting than junior high was. Although as we get down to the last few days of this nine weeks and the next nine weeks everyone worries about grades. I get so paranoid if my grades aren't where I want them to be. Usually I just have trouble in math so it's math that I worry about getting up. I'm okay with my grades right now, could be better but there are still grades going in. Plus some of my teachers are doing nine week tests on Tuesday or Wednesday. So we'll see where I stand after that. With it being so warm lately nobody has been wanting to do much school work but I guess if it keeps raining we won't have much else to do. We took practice OGT's last week, more tests this week and some other kind of test next week. But, this nine weeks ends Friday and Spring break is just around the corner so I can hang in till then.

Friday, March 5, 2010

State Wrestling

Yesterday morning many of the wrestlers left to head onto the state tournament. The stats made signs with their names and decorated 16 for the guys. All of the boys have a lot of support behind them. From Coshocton we had Layton Graves, Zack Cantrell, and Jacob Bresciani. From River View, Ian Kelton and Brodie Scherer; there was nobody from Ridgewood. Layton and Jacob had very hard first match and not an easy second one. Zack also had a hard first match, and winning his second match. Zack will wrestle again today sometime. From River View Brodie Scherer won his first match with a pin in the second period. Ian Kelton also had a rough bracket this weekend and ended his season. All of the guys did really well, to even make it to state is a great accomplishment! It all relies on how tough the bracket is for each boy, some were harder than others. Overall our guys had a great season. They all finished really well with their records and had fun doing it! Unfortunately, were going to lose Layton Graves and Kevin Lepley this year, but they both did a great job this year and brought forth a lot of entertainment to the team, so best of luck to them!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Killer Whale

Recently, a whale in Sea World killed it's trainer. Dawn Brancheau was the whales trainer more than any other trainer in their Orlando park. The whale, Tilikum, weighs 12,000 pounds but this wasn't the first incident the whale has done. Apparently the whale has killed two other people, a trainer in 1991 in a Canadian Park and also a man who stayed after hours and took a "swim" with the whale and was found dead in the tank also in Sea World. The people who were around to see the show Dawn had put on with the whale said it wasn't "behaving". Not long after the show, Tilikum pulled Dawn in and was thrashing her around until she drowned. I would like to know why they have kept this whale around if they know that it has killed two other people? Animals aren't like people and you can't know what their thinking.

Check out this website for the latest news about this incident.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Makeup Days

Last week we went two days and this week we went two days and now more snow is coming? They said more than before I guess. We have to make up a day already and I think that their just taking it off of our spring break. I don't think we've ever had a full spring break. River View has how many days to make up like 10? We were supposed to have a late arrival today and we didn't but I don't understand why. We don't get it counted against us so why couldn't we? A few extra hours of sleep would've been nice. Tonight I'm going to try to go to the game, and Saturday I'm going to Zanesville. On Sunday I got volunteered to baby sit. So full weekend I guess. Maybe we'll have a snow day Monday with all of this snow coming.