Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Time!

Well schools almost over! I can't believe that were almost done, it's went by so fast! This summer should be really busy though. I get to play soccer again which I'm really excited about! We've started open feild and next week were going to start lifting I guess. That should be interesting. We don't start mandatory until August though, but it's nice to already be in shape by that time. This year were not going to do two-a-days, were just going to do one long practice in the evening. So we get to sleep in! The week of July fourth my family and I are going to the beach so that should be fun. Then when we get back we'll have a tournament for soccer. Coach says that were a young team so it's gonna take a lot of effort but we'll get better. We lost six seniors which really hurt us. This year will be a big eye-opener for all of us. Although we have two people who can play goalie now so that's nice so they can have a chance on the Field too. We also have a few new freshman and a few other new players that are in other grade levels. I've heard were going to have other people joining but we haven't got any yet. Coach Underwood has stopped by a few times to see us and Eric comes to some practices too. Coach Hamilton will be an assistant coach along with Kayla. Were having a lot of fun so far but it'll be better once track is over and other players can come. It's boring when there's only 5 or 6 of you playing.

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